/*global window, jQuery */ (function($) { // Default configuration properties. var defaults = { vertical: false, rtl: false, start: 1, offset: 1, size: null, scroll: 3, visible: null, animation: 'normal', easing: 'swing', auto: 0, wrap: null, initCallback: null, setupCallback: null, reloadCallback: null, itemLoadCallback: null, itemFirstInCallback: null, itemFirstOutCallback: null, itemLastInCallback: null, itemLastOutCallback: null, itemVisibleInCallback: null, itemVisibleOutCallback: null, animationStepCallback: null, buttonNextHTML: '
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', buttonNextEvent: 'click', buttonPrevEvent: 'click', buttonNextCallback: null, buttonPrevCallback: null, itemFallbackDimension: null }, windowLoaded = false; $(window).bind('load.jcarousel', function() { windowLoaded = true; }); $.jcarousel = function(e, o) { this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, o || {}); this.locked = false; this.autoStopped = false; this.container = null; this.clip = null; this.list = null; this.buttonNext = null; this.buttonPrev = null; this.buttonNextState = null; this.buttonPrevState = null; // Only set if not explicitly passed as option if (!o || o.rtl === undefined) { this.options.rtl = ($(e).attr('dir') || $('html').attr('dir') || '').toLowerCase() == 'rtl'; } this.wh = !this.options.vertical ? 'width' : 'height'; this.lt = !this.options.vertical ? (this.options.rtl ? 'right' : 'left') : 'top'; // Extract skin class var skin = '', split = e.className.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < split.length;="" i++)="" {="" if="" (split[i].indexof('jcarousel-skin')="" !="-1)" {="" $(e).removeclass(split[i]);="" skin="split[i];" break;="" }="" }="" if="" (e.nodename.touppercase()="=" 'ul'="" ||="" e.nodename.touppercase()="=" 'ol')="" {="" this.list="$(e);" this.clip="this.list.parents('.jcarousel-clip');" this.container="this.list.parents('.jcarousel-container');" }="" else="" {="" this.container="$(e);" this.list="this.container.find('ul,ol').eq(0);" this.clip="this.container.find('.jcarousel-clip');" }="" if="" (this.clip.size()="==" 0)="" {="" this.clip="">
').parent(); } if (this.container.size() === 0) { this.container = this.clip.wrap('
').parent(); } if (skin !== '' && this.container.parent()[0].className.indexOf('jcarousel-skin') == -1) { this.container.wrap('
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'right' : 'left'), 0); this.container.addClass(this.className('jcarousel-container')).css({ position: 'relative' }); if (!this.options.vertical && this.options.rtl) { this.container.addClass('jcarousel-direction-rtl').attr('dir', 'rtl'); } var di = this.options.visible !== null ? Math.ceil(this.clipping() / this.options.visible) : null; var li = this.list.children('li'); var self = this; if (li.size() > 0) { var wh = 0, j = this.options.offset; li.each(function() { self.format(this, j++); wh += self.dimension(this, di); }); this.list.css(this.wh, (wh + 100) + 'px'); // Only set if not explicitly passed as option if (!o || o.size === undefined) { this.options.size = li.size(); } } // For whatever reason, .show() does not work in Safari... this.container.css('display', 'block'); this.buttonNext.css('display', 'block'); this.buttonPrev.css('display', 'block'); this.funcNext = function() { self.next(); }; this.funcPrev = function() { self.prev(); }; this.funcResize = function() { if (self.resizeTimer) { clearTimeout(self.resizeTimer); } self.resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() { self.reload(); }, 100); }; if (this.options.initCallback !== null) { this.options.initCallback(this, 'init'); } if (!windowLoaded && $.browser.safari) { this.buttons(false, false); $(window).bind('load.jcarousel', function() { self.setup(); }); } else { this.setup(); } }; // Create shortcut for internal use var $jc = $.jcarousel; $jc.fn = $jc.prototype = { jcarousel: '0.2.8' }; $jc.fn.extend = $jc.extend = $.extend; $jc.fn.extend({ setup: function() { this.first = null; this.last = null; this.prevFirst = null; this.prevLast = null; this.animating = false; this.timer = null; this.resizeTimer = null; this.tail = null; this.inTail = false; if (this.locked) { return; } this.list.css(this.lt, this.pos(this.options.offset) + 'px'); var p = this.pos(this.options.start, true); this.prevFirst = this.prevLast = null; this.animate(p, false); $(window).unbind('resize.jcarousel', this.funcResize).bind('resize.jcarousel', this.funcResize); if (this.options.setupCallback !== null) { this.options.setupCallback(this); } }, reset: function() { this.list.empty(); this.list.css(this.lt, '0px'); this.list.css(this.wh, '10px'); if (this.options.initCallback !== null) { this.options.initCallback(this, 'reset'); } this.setup(); }, reload: function() { if (this.tail !== null && this.inTail) { this.list.css(this.lt, $jc.intval(this.list.css(this.lt)) + this.tail); } this.tail = null; this.inTail = false; if (this.options.reloadCallback !== null) { this.options.reloadCallback(this); } if (this.options.visible !== null) { var self = this; var di = Math.ceil(this.clipping() / this.options.visible), wh = 0, lt = 0; this.list.children('li').each(function(i) { wh += self.dimension(this, di); if (i + 1 < self.first)="" {="" lt="wh;" }="" });="" this.list.css(this.wh,="" wh="" +="" 'px');="" this.list.css(this.lt,="" -lt="" +="" 'px');="" }="" this.scroll(this.first,="" false);="" },="" lock:="" function()="" {="" this.locked="true;" this.buttons();="" },="" unlock:="" function()="" {="" this.locked="false;" this.buttons();="" },="" size:="" function(s)="" {="" if="" (s="" !="=" undefined)="" {="" this.options.size="s;" if="" (!this.locked)="" {="" this.buttons();="" }="" }="" return="" this.options.size;="" },="" has:="" function(i,="" i2)="" {="" if="" (i2="==" undefined="" ||="" !i2)="" {="" i2="i;" }="" if="" (this.options.size="" !="=" null="" &&="" i2=""> this.options.size) { i2 = this.options.size; } for (var j = i; j <= i2;="" j++)="" {="" var="" e="this.get(j);" if="" (!e.length="" ||="" e.hasclass('jcarousel-item-placeholder'))="" {="" return="" false;="" }="" }="" return="" true;="" },="" get:="" function(i)="" {="" return="" $('="">.jcarousel-item-' + i, this.list); }, add: function(i, s) { var e = this.get(i), old = 0, n = $(s); if (e.length === 0) { var c, j = $jc.intval(i); e = this.create(i); while (true) { c = this.get(--j); if (j <= 0="" ||="" c.length)="" {="" if="" (j=""><= 0)="" {="" this.list.prepend(e);="" }="" else="" {="" c.after(e);="" }="" break;="" }="" }="" }="" else="" {="" old="this.dimension(e);" }="" if="" (n.get(0).nodename.touppercase()="=" 'li')="" {="" e.replacewith(n);="" e="n;" }="" else="" {="" e.empty().append(s);="" }="" this.format(e.removeclass(this.classname('jcarousel-item-placeholder')),="" i);="" var="" di="this.options.visible" !="=" null="" math.ceil(this.clipping()="" this.options.visible)="" :="" null;="" var="" wh="this.dimension(e," di)="" -="" old;="" if="" (i=""> 0 && i < this.first)="" {="" this.list.css(this.lt,="" $jc.intval(this.list.css(this.lt))="" -="" wh="" +="" 'px');="" }="" this.list.css(this.wh,="" $jc.intval(this.list.css(this.wh))="" +="" wh="" +="" 'px');="" return="" e;="" },="" remove:="" function(i)="" {="" var="" e="this.get(i);" check="" if="" item="" exists="" and="" is="" not="" currently="" visible="" if="" (!e.length="" ||="" (i="">= this.first && i <= this.last))="" {="" return;="" }="" var="" d="this.dimension(e);" if="" (i="">< this.first)="" {="" this.list.css(this.lt,="" $jc.intval(this.list.css(this.lt))="" +="" d="" +="" 'px');="" }="" e.remove();="" this.list.css(this.wh,="" $jc.intval(this.list.css(this.wh))="" -="" d="" +="" 'px');="" },="" next:="" function()="" {="" if="" (this.tail="" !="=" null="" &&="" !this.intail)="" {="" this.scrolltail(false);="" }="" else="" {="" this.scroll(((this.options.wrap="=" 'both'="" ||="" this.options.wrap="=" 'last')="" &&="" this.options.size="" !="=" null="" &&="" this.last="=" this.options.size)="" 1="" :="" this.first="" +="" this.options.scroll);="" }="" },="" prev:="" function()="" {="" if="" (this.tail="" !="=" null="" &&="" this.intail)="" {="" this.scrolltail(true);="" }="" else="" {="" this.scroll(((this.options.wrap="=" 'both'="" ||="" this.options.wrap="=" 'first')="" &&="" this.options.size="" !="=" null="" &&="" this.first="=" 1)="" this.options.size="" :="" this.first="" -="" this.options.scroll);="" }="" },="" scrolltail:="" function(b)="" {="" if="" (this.locked="" ||="" this.animating="" ||="" !this.tail)="" {="" return;="" }="" this.pauseauto();="" var="" pos="$jc.intval(this.list.css(this.lt));" pos="!b" pos="" -="" this.tail="" :="" pos="" +="" this.tail;="" this.intail="!b;" save="" for="" callbacks="" this.prevfirst="this.first;" this.prevlast="this.last;" this.animate(pos);="" },="" scroll:="" function(i,="" a)="" {="" if="" (this.locked="" ||="" this.animating)="" {="" return;="" }="" this.pauseauto();="" this.animate(this.pos(i),="" a);="" },="" pos:="" function(i,="" fv)="" {="" var="" pos="$jc.intval(this.list.css(this.lt));" if="" (this.locked="" ||="" this.animating)="" {="" return="" pos;="" }="" if="" (this.options.wrap="" !="circular" )="" {="" i="i">< 1="" 1="" :="" (this.options.size="" &&="" i=""> this.options.size ? this.options.size : i); } var back = this.first > i; // Create placeholders, new list width/height // and new list position var f = this.options.wrap != 'circular' && this.first <= 1="" 1="" :="" this.first;="" var="" c="back" this.get(f)="" :="" this.get(this.last);="" var="" j="back" f="" :="" f="" -="" 1;="" var="" e="null," l="0," p="false," d="0," g;="" while="" (back="" --j="">= i : ++j < i)="" {="" e="this.get(j);" p="!e.length;" if="" (e.length="==" 0)="" {="" e="this.create(j).addClass(this.className('jcarousel-item-placeholder'));" c[back="" 'before'="" :="" 'after'="" ](e);="" if="" (this.first="" !="=" null="" &&="" this.options.wrap="=" 'circular'="" &&="" this.options.size="" !="=" null="" &&="" (j=""><= 0="" ||="" j=""> this.options.size)) { g = this.get(this.index(j)); if (g.length) { e = this.add(j, g.clone(true)); } } } c = e; d = this.dimension(e); if (p) { l += d; } if (this.first !== null && (this.options.wrap == 'circular' || (j >= 1 && (this.options.size === null || j <= this.options.size))))="" {="" pos="back" pos="" +="" d="" :="" pos="" -="" d;="" }="" }="" calculate="" visible="" items="" var="" clipping="this.clipping()," cache="[]," visible="0," v="0;" c="this.get(i" -="" 1);="" j="i;" while="" (++visible)="" {="" e="this.get(j);" p="!e.length;" if="" (e.length="==" 0)="" {="" e="this.create(j).addClass(this.className('jcarousel-item-placeholder'));" this="" should="" only="" happen="" on="" a="" next="" scroll="" if="" (c.length="==" 0)="" {="" this.list.prepend(e);="" }="" else="" {="" c[back="" 'before'="" :="" 'after'="" ](e);="" }="" if="" (this.first="" !="=" null="" &&="" this.options.wrap="=" 'circular'="" &&="" this.options.size="" !="=" null="" &&="" (j=""><= 0="" ||="" j=""> this.options.size)) { g = this.get(this.index(j)); if (g.length) { e = this.add(j, g.clone(true)); } } } c = e; d = this.dimension(e); if (d === 0) { throw new Error('jCarousel: No width/height set for items. This will cause an infinite loop. Aborting...'); } if (this.options.wrap != 'circular' && this.options.size !== null && j > this.options.size) { cache.push(e); } else if (p) { l += d; } v += d; if (v >= clipping) { break; } j++; } // Remove out-of-range placeholders for (var x = 0; x < cache.length;="" x++)="" {="" cache[x].remove();="" }="" resize="" list="" if="" (l=""> 0) { this.list.css(this.wh, this.dimension(this.list) + l + 'px'); if (back) { pos -= l; this.list.css(this.lt, $jc.intval(this.list.css(this.lt)) - l + 'px'); } } // Calculate first and last item var last = i + visible - 1; if (this.options.wrap != 'circular' && this.options.size && last > this.options.size) { last = this.options.size; } if (j > last) { visible = 0; j = last; v = 0; while (++visible) { e = this.get(j--); if (!e.length) { break; } v += this.dimension(e); if (v >= clipping) { break; } } } var first = last - visible + 1; if (this.options.wrap != 'circular' && first < 1)="" {="" first="1;" }="" if="" (this.intail="" &&="" back)="" {="" pos="" +="this.tail;" this.intail="false;" }="" this.tail="null;" if="" (this.options.wrap="" !="circular" &&="" last="=" this.options.size="" &&="" (last="" -="" visible="" +="" 1)="">= 1) { var m = $jc.intval(this.get(last).css(!this.options.vertical ? 'marginRight' : 'marginBottom')); if ((v - m) > clipping) { this.tail = v - clipping - m; } } if (fv && i === this.options.size && this.tail) { pos -= this.tail; this.inTail = true; } // Adjust position while (i-- > first) { pos += this.dimension(this.get(i)); } // Save visible item range this.prevFirst = this.first; this.prevLast = this.last; this.first = first; this.last = last; return pos; }, animate: function(p, a) { if (this.locked || this.animating) { return; } this.animating = true; var self = this; var scrolled = function() { self.animating = false; if (p === 0) { self.list.css(self.lt, 0); } if (!self.autoStopped && (self.options.wrap == 'circular' || self.options.wrap == 'both' || self.options.wrap == 'last' || self.options.size === null || self.last < self.options.size="" ||="" (self.last="=" self.options.size="" &&="" self.tail="" !="=" null="" &&="" !self.intail)))="" {="" self.startauto();="" }="" self.buttons();="" self.notify('onafteranimation');="" this="" function="" removes="" items="" which="" are="" appended="" automatically="" for="" circulation.="" this="" prevents="" the="" list="" from="" growing="" infinitely.="" if="" (self.options.wrap="=" 'circular'="" &&="" self.options.size="" !="=" null)="" {="" for="" (var="" i="self.prevFirst;" i=""><= self.prevlast;="" i++)="" {="" if="" (i="" !="=" null="" &&="" !(i="">= self.first && i <= self.last)="" &&="" (i="">< 1="" ||="" i=""> self.options.size)) { self.remove(i); } } } }; this.notify('onBeforeAnimation'); // Animate if (!this.options.animation || a === false) { this.list.css(this.lt, p + 'px'); scrolled(); } else { var o = !this.options.vertical ? (this.options.rtl ? {'right': p} : {'left': p}) : {'top': p}; // Define animation settings. var settings = { duration: this.options.animation, easing: this.options.easing, complete: scrolled }; // If we have a step callback, specify it as well. if ($.isFunction(this.options.animationStepCallback)) { settings.step = this.options.animationStepCallback; } // Start the animation. this.list.animate(o, settings); } }, startAuto: function(s) { if (s !== undefined) { this.options.auto = s; } if (this.options.auto === 0) { return this.stopAuto(); } if (this.timer !== null) { return; } this.autoStopped = false; var self = this; this.timer = window.setTimeout(function() { self.next(); }, this.options.auto * 1000); }, stopAuto: function() { this.pauseAuto(); this.autoStopped = true; }, pauseAuto: function() { if (this.timer === null) { return; } window.clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; }, buttons: function(n, p) { if (n == null) { n = !this.locked && this.options.size !== 0 && ((this.options.wrap && this.options.wrap != 'first') || this.options.size === null || this.last < this.options.size);="" if="" (!this.locked="" &&="" (!this.options.wrap="" ||="" this.options.wrap="=" 'first')="" &&="" this.options.size="" !="=" null="" &&="" this.last="">= this.options.size) { n = this.tail !== null && !this.inTail; } } if (p == null) { p = !this.locked && this.options.size !== 0 && ((this.options.wrap && this.options.wrap != 'last') || this.first > 1); if (!this.locked && (!this.options.wrap || this.options.wrap == 'last') && this.options.size !== null && this.first == 1) { p = this.tail !== null && this.inTail; } } var self = this; if (this.buttonNext.size() > 0) { this.buttonNext.unbind(this.options.buttonNextEvent + '.jcarousel', this.funcNext); if (n) { this.buttonNext.bind(this.options.buttonNextEvent + '.jcarousel', this.funcNext); } this.buttonNext[n ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](this.className('jcarousel-next-disabled')).attr('disabled', n ? false : true); if (this.options.buttonNextCallback !== null && this.buttonNext.data('jcarouselstate') != n) { this.buttonNext.each(function() { self.options.buttonNextCallback(self, this, n); }).data('jcarouselstate', n); } } else { if (this.options.buttonNextCallback !== null && this.buttonNextState != n) { this.options.buttonNextCallback(self, null, n); } } if (this.buttonPrev.size() > 0) { this.buttonPrev.unbind(this.options.buttonPrevEvent + '.jcarousel', this.funcPrev); if (p) { this.buttonPrev.bind(this.options.buttonPrevEvent + '.jcarousel', this.funcPrev); } this.buttonPrev[p ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](this.className('jcarousel-prev-disabled')).attr('disabled', p ? false : true); if (this.options.buttonPrevCallback !== null && this.buttonPrev.data('jcarouselstate') != p) { this.buttonPrev.each(function() { self.options.buttonPrevCallback(self, this, p); }).data('jcarouselstate', p); } } else { if (this.options.buttonPrevCallback !== null && this.buttonPrevState != p) { this.options.buttonPrevCallback(self, null, p); } } this.buttonNextState = n; this.buttonPrevState = p; }, notify: function(evt) { var state = this.prevFirst === null ? 'init' : (this.prevFirst < this.first="" 'next'="" :="" 'prev');="" load="" items="" this.callback('itemloadcallback',="" evt,="" state);="" if="" (this.prevfirst="" !="=" this.first)="" {="" this.callback('itemfirstincallback',="" evt,="" state,="" this.first);="" this.callback('itemfirstoutcallback',="" evt,="" state,="" this.prevfirst);="" }="" if="" (this.prevlast="" !="=" this.last)="" {="" this.callback('itemlastincallback',="" evt,="" state,="" this.last);="" this.callback('itemlastoutcallback',="" evt,="" state,="" this.prevlast);="" }="" this.callback('itemvisibleincallback',="" evt,="" state,="" this.first,="" this.last,="" this.prevfirst,="" this.prevlast);="" this.callback('itemvisibleoutcallback',="" evt,="" state,="" this.prevfirst,="" this.prevlast,="" this.first,="" this.last);="" },="" callback:="" function(cb,="" evt,="" state,="" i1,="" i2,="" i3,="" i4)="" {="" if="" (this.options[cb]="=" null="" ||="" (typeof="" this.options[cb]="" !="object" &&="" evt="" !="onAfterAnimation" ))="" {="" return;="" }="" var="" callback="typeof" this.options[cb]="=" 'object'="" this.options[cb][evt]="" :="" this.options[cb];="" if="" (!$.isfunction(callback))="" {="" return;="" }="" var="" self="this;" if="" (i1="==" undefined)="" {="" callback(self,="" state,="" evt);="" }="" else="" if="" (i2="==" undefined)="" {="" this.get(i1).each(function()="" {="" callback(self,="" this,="" i1,="" state,="" evt);="" });="" }="" else="" {="" var="" call="function(i)" {="" self.get(i).each(function()="" {="" callback(self,="" this,="" i,="" state,="" evt);="" });="" };="" for="" (var="" i="i1;" i=""><= i2;="" i++)="" {="" if="" (i="" !="=" null="" &&="" !(i="">= i3 && i <= i4))="" {="" call(i);="" }="" }="" }="" },="" create:="" function(i)="" {="" return="">
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